O sucesso no controle de ervas daninhas dita o futuro de herbicidas

For Todd Lay, the decision about whether to continue using Mycogen® hybrids with the Enlist™ trait has already been made. The performance of Enlist Duo® herbicide on Enlist™ corn this summer has convinced him to try the technology again.

“The weed control was excellent,” Lay says. “We controlled our Palmer amaranth and waterhemp.”

Lay raises corn, soybeans and alfalfa, with nearly all his acres under irrigation. He uses a combination of ridge tillage and vertical tillage, planting on the ridges. Weed control has been a challenge for the Glenvil, Nebraska, farmer.

This year, he started out with Resicore® corn herbicide, which offers residual activity. He followed postemergence with Enlist Duo® herbicide and says he didn’t have to use anything else this year.

“We’ve had some isolated areas with weed issues,” he reports. “This year it’s clean. There are no weeds there.”
It’s been a good year for corn and soybean yield for Lay. His corn was about 10-15 bushels above average. He says the Enlist™ hybrids are yielding as good as or better than his other hybrids.

Just as important, he says Enlist Duo stayed on target during application and didn’t volatilize afterward.

“Some of my soybeans were burned by drift this year,” Lay says. “I don’t want herbicides I use to drift into other fields. I think Enlist Duo is a better option for me than other new herbicides.”

“We did a burndown with Resicore and glyphosate to start off clean,” Lay says. “I applied Enlist Duo postemergence. The application was excellent. It was easy to apply. I saw no drift or volatility.

“It wasn’t that hard to find time to spray according to the label direction,” Lay says. “We sprayed some near a neighbor’s conventional soybeans and some near our own soybeans. We saw no issues with ours and had no complaints from the neighbor.”

Some of his irrigation pivots are half corn, half soybeans. Even conventional soybeans right next to Enlist™ hybrids were unaffected.

“Enlist Duo doesn’t seem to have the volatility we have with other products,” Lay says. “Tank cleanout is easy, too. We just triple rinse, which is what we always do.”

Lay’s experience has convinced him the Enlist™ weed control system has a place on his farm.
“I’ve already ordered more Enlist corn for next year,” he says. “Some people around here planted it so they could use DuPont Assure II herbicide to control volunteer corn.”

He talks with other area farmers and will tell them about the use of Enlist Duo herbicide in his fields. His message: “It works. It doesn’t drift. It’s as simple as that.”

Succesful Farming, 27/12/2018

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