BioSafe Systems lança biofungicide Pvent

BioSafe Systems announces the release of PVent Biological Fungicide. An enhancement in microbial fungicide technology, PVent provides growers with an easy-to-use, versatile IPM tool. This innovative development was spearheaded through a strategic partnership between two family-owned businesses: BioSafe Systems and Lallemand Plant Care.
Due to its active ingredient, a 93% Gliocladium catenulam strain J1446, PVent has unique adaption traits, meaning that it can thrive across broad ranges of temperature and humidity, both in the soil and on leaf and stem tissue. PVent has a natural symbiotic relationship with the rhizosphere microbiome, with part of its adaptive success coming from an enzyme it produces to specifically target pathogenic fungi. This makes PVent an entirely unique biofungicide and a product that will fit in well with IPM programs for indoor and outdoor production.
Powered by three modes of action, PVent is biologically programmed to rapidly colonize its host environment to defend against, attack and destroy even the most resilient plant pathogens. PVent can be used on field-grown crops, berries, pome and stone fruits, tree nuts, vineyards and more to control a variety of pathogens including Powdery Mildew, Fusarium, Phytophthora, and Botrytis.
AgroNews, 25/05/2018
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